Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Milwaukee Area CQP

The Camo Quilt Project has a facility in the Milwaukee area where volunteers can come and work on the quilts. Pilgrim Lutheran Church has offered us use of their basement for the workshops. A group of LWML (Lutheran Women Missionary League) women are overseeing the project. Thanks to a donation given by the American Legion Aux Unit 416, Greendale WI, and from National

Mutual Benefits, 6 new Janome sewing machines were purchased along with other items needed for the project. There are also a few older sewing machines for you to use. If you prefer, you can bring your own sewing machine. If you do not sew, you can pin, trim, press or inspect quilts.

The Milwaukee Area workshops have been meeting for 3 years and have completed 510 Army, 94 Marine and 45 Air Force quilts. That is a total of 651 quilts from the Pilgrim workshop! They have also made 821 extra cool ties. The CQP is very appreciative of the volunteers who come to Pilgrim and for the LWML ladies who oversee the project. Look under "Pages" in the side bar for the workshop hours.